with added value
Enjoy the benefits of our package deals and spend a holiday in Zell am See with a certain added extra.

Packages and deals for holidays in Zell am See

Find the right deal or the ideal package to suit you for your holiday in Zell am See with added value. Whether you are looking for summer or winter packages, sporty extras or simply romantic additional services, we are sure to have the right offer for your holiday in Zell am See.


Mountain & Lake

  • 15.05.25 - 27.06.25
  • 29.06.25 - 29.08.25
  • 31.08.25 - 12.10.25

A sparkling lake, a snow-covered glacier, and the green meadows of the surrounding mountains: this breathtaking diversity makes Zell am See-Kaprun absolutely unique. Nowhere else in Austria does nature have more to offer than here. Enjoy summer in the high meadows between the Schmittenhöhe and the Kitzsteinhorn with the Zell am See-Kaprun Summer Card!


from 1,037.10

Mountain & Lake

  • 15.05.25 - 27.06.25
  • 29.06.25 - 29.08.25
  • 31.08.25 - 12.10.25

A sparkling lake, a snow-covered glacier, and the green meadows of the surrounding mountains: this breathtaking diversity makes Zell am See-Kaprun absolutely unique. Nowhere else in Austria does nature have more to offer than here. Enjoy summer in the high meadows between the Schmittenhöhe and the Kitzsteinhorn with the Zell am See-Kaprun Summer Card!

from 448.35

GOLF & Lake

  • 15.05.25 - 27.06.25
  • 29.06.25 - 29.08.25
  • 31.08.25 - 12.10.25

Relax after your golf course direct at the Zeller Lake. Including half board and 1 Golf Alpin Card for 3 x 18 hole. You can use the Golf Alpin Card on more then 30 Golf courses in the area Tirol, Salzburg and Salzkammergut.

from 694.35